What Owner’s Locker Members do when they’re not in Orlando...
Locker Members are welcome to submit their websites to us and we are
most pleased to include them here. All we can tell you is that these
are websites owned and operated by Owner's Locker Members. We don't
review any content or products on the sites and we don't endorse any of
the sites or any views they might express. We're all grownups and
strongly believe in letting the "marketplace of ideas" determine what's
hot and what's not. Have a look and have fun.
Cool Infographics Randy
and Mary Kaye Krum are Beta Trial Members and have had Lockers since
2007. Randy is the author of Cool Infographics, a blog that highlights
some of the best examples of data visualizations and infographics found
in magazines, newspapers and on the Internet. Have a look and see how
the old fashioned pie chart has been taken to a new level. As DVC
members, Mary Kaye and Randy try to visit their two Lockers, “Jake” and
“Elwood”, at least once a year.