and interesting things happen when you start storing your vacation gear
in a purple Owner's Locker. For one thing, we slowly transform the way
you vacation. We help you take the concept of 'Welcome Home' to a
whole new level. (it certainly doesn't hurt that this is all happening
in your favorite vacation place.)
And, since it's YOUR stuff in that Locker, it all becomes more personal
and special. The next thing you know, you realize just how much you
have in common with other Owner's Locker Members and a sense of
COMMUNITY develops...
Facebook This
is where you can follow the purple van on its daily runs by seeing a
list of everywhere it is stopping to drop off and pick up Owner's
Lockers and Magic Strollers; get a quick snapshot of Orlando weather and
see the incredible and funny names that Owner's Locker Members come up
with for the Lockers (no, we are not creative enough to do that on our
own!). This is also where we post photos from the Owner's Locker EPCOT
Wine Evenings which are held each Tuesday. And if you want to ask
questions or interact with other OL Members you can do that here, too.
Twitter Follow
us and in 140 characters, we'll let you know where the purple van is
stopping and share Locker names daily'and occasionally share random
musing'short and sweet.
Favorite Sources and Sites A lot of people write a lot of stuff about your favorite vacation place. Here are our picks of the good ones and the fun ones
What Owner's Locker Members do when they're not in Orlando You
won't be surprised to learn that we love the entrepreneurial spirit
here at Owner's Locker, Magic Strollers by Owner's Locker and Store Your
Clubs by Owner's Locker.As it turns out, many Owner's Locker Members
are entrepreneurs too and have their own businesses and blogs. We want
to celebrate that creative spirit by sharing their websites here.